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We are launching our new project "Com-Nunie-Tea" this MONDAY!

We are launching our new project "Com-Nunie-Tea" this MONDAY!

As you know we have had a pop up store at Cooleman Court since late last year. 

We have been overwhelmed by the support of the "Coolo" community and have been successful in securing a beautiful space for our next venture at the mall.

We will be moving into the shop that Millers have vacated.

What is Com-Nunie-Tea?

Increasingly, the more I know my clients on a personal level the more I have a desire to create connection and culture within my business.

From this feeling, a concept has evolved.

It has three components:

NUNIE- Our boutique, stocking the same great labels and the same great service.

COMMUNITY- You are what we love and why we are here!  Our clients have the most diverse interests and skills and by sharing these we can have so much pleasure.

Our new store will have space for a large communal table, available for groups of people to share their interests and passions. Once off's or regular weekly groups. We envisage book clubs, macrame groups, wine appreciation, colour chart analysis workshops, knitting groups, music appreciation, walking groups, you name it, we want you to use it.    We will also have smaller tables available for you to sit and enjoy time with a friend or stranger over a cup of TEA.

We want to create community but also give back to the community so whilst we will provide the tea free of charge we encourage you to make a gold coin donation to A Cure For Freyja, a gorgeous local Denman Prospect child who has been leading the way in the treatment of her very rare cancer and may I say, ever SO BRAVE!

TEA-  Free of charge, we will provide the tea!  The making of a pot of tea is ritualistic and encourages us to slow down and connect.  It provides an opportunity for us to  appreciate the beauty around us and the company we keep.  We will have a range of teabags and a weekly special-tea for you to brew in a pot!  If you want a coffee we encourage you to purchase it elsewhere and bring it in!

Would you like to use our space?  It will seat up to twelve people around a long rectangular table.  Get in contact and book the space.  We encourage you to book it for a regular event or a once off!  We can let our clients know your event is coming up and increase your reach.  All tea is free and you can book it for as long as you like!

Before you ask, we will NOT be closing the Curtin store, we love the community there too and we are looking forward to securing a space in the new development!

Thanks for all the suggestions for the northside.  We will continue to keep our eyes peeled for vacancies but there were no suitable spaces available when we looked recently.

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